1. Reserves which can
act as a liquidity buffer for commercial banks during crisis times are–
(C) CAR and CRR
(D) CRR and SLR
2. For repayment of
loan availed from Banks NBFC we come across a term known as EMI What does it
stand for?
(A) Equated Money Index
(B) Easy Money Installment
(C) Equal Monthly Installment
(D) Equated Monthly Installment
(E) Equal Minimum Installment
3. CASA deposits
(A) Special schemes of banks
(B) Term deposits
(C) Hybrid deposits
(D) Recurring deposits
(E) Demand deposits
4. What is the meaning
of NAV in financial term?
(A) Net Annual Value
(B) Net Asset Value
(C) Net Actual Value
(D) Non Asset Value
(E) Net Average Value
5. If Reserve Bank of
India reduces the Bank Rate by 1%, what will be its impact?
(A) Less liquidity in the market
(B) No change in the liquidity in
the market
(C) More liquidity in the market
(D) Mobilization of more deposits
by commercial-banks
(E) None of these
6. Whose signature is
found on a 50 rupee currency note in India?
(A) President of India
(B) Prime Minister of India
(C) Finance Minister
(D) Governor, RBI
(E) Secretary, Ministry of Finance
7. Almost all banks in
our country have introduced facility for granting crop loans to farmers.
(A) Term Loans
(B) Reverse Mortgage
(C) Bank Guarantee
(D) Foreign Exchange
(E) Kisan Credit Cards
8. What is the full
form of ‘ECB’ ?
(A) External Commercial Borrowing
(B) European Credit Borrowing
(C) External Credit For Business
(D) Essential Commercial Banking
(E) None of these
9. “The termination of
an insurance policy due to nonpayment of premium” is technically called as?
A. Death
B. Forfeiture
C. Lapse
D. Seize
E .None of these
10. AMFI stands for
A) Association of Mutual Finance
in India
B) Authority of Mutual Funds in India
C) Amalgamation of Mutual Funds
in India
D) Association of Mutual Funds in
E) None of these
1.D, 2.D, 3.B, 4.B, 5.C, 6.D, 7.E, 8.A, 9.C, 10.D,